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My O2

2 reviews
45.3 k downloads

Manage your UK telephone account with O2

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Discover the convenience of managing your mobile experience with the My O2 app, your one-stop destination for account management, shopping, and exclusive member perks. Ideal for O2 customers, this handy platform enables users to keep tabs on their data usage, track recent charges, and check their current allowances with just a few taps.

Optimize your data plan on the go by adding data Bolt Ons directly through it, ensuring you're always connected when you need it most. The built-in online store makes shopping for the latest mobile devices and accessories a breeze, offering cutting-edge products like the latest Android smartphones, wireless headphones, and fitness trackers. Plus, access to special offers tailored for O2 clientele keeps you in the know.

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Security is a top priority, which is why the platform offers secure sign-in with fingerprint recognition. This not only protects personal details but also enables quick access to billing support. By signing up for Airtime Rewards, users can shop with renowned brands and earn valuable discounts on their monthly O2 bill.

The explore tab invites customers to browse best-sellers, including the Samsung Galaxy S20 and other sought-after tech items. These exclusive offers are designed to enhance the mobile experience and ensure customers stay ahead of the tech curve.

Please note that this application is exclusively for individual O2 customers and is not available for O2 Business accounts. For those using the platform outside of O2's Europe Zone, standard data roaming charges will apply. Embrace the simplicity and efficiency of mobile life management with My O2 today.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 6.0 or higher required

Information about My O2 24.3.19

Package Name uk.co.o2.android.myo2
License Free
Op. System Android
Category General
Language English
Author O2 UK
Downloads 45,303
Date Jun 1, 2024
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
Why is this app published on Uptodown? (More information)
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Older versions

apk 24.2.15 Android + 6.0 Apr 5, 2024
xapk 24.1.19 Android + 6.0 Mar 23, 2024
apk 24.0.29 Android + 6.0 Feb 13, 2024
apk 14.10.21 Android + 6.0 Dec 5, 2023
apk 14.9.27 Android + 6.0 Nov 14, 2023
apk 14.8.24 Android + 6.0 Oct 31, 2023

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